Second, the location is appropriate. When Xu Wenchang painted a long scroll, the inscription accounted for half. Jin Dongxin painted a six-foot plum blossom banner and left a piece of white land on the right side. He wrote an inscription in an extremely regular way. When Zheng Banqiao was in a dense bamboo pole, he wrote a poem from left to right. However, the calligraphy and painting always had a certain pattern, but they could not invade each other.
Third, the most important thing is to write well. The characters should be written in a French style, and the paintings are crazy, but the basis of the structure is not scribbling. Zheng Banqiao said that his own words are six and a half points. He referred to some northern tablets, but he still painted the yellow valley. The square characters were created by himself, but no, han li wouldn’t write as evenly.
In recent years, many young and middle-aged painters love to inscribe Chinese paintings. The pictures are often stained with colorful ink, and the inscriptions are especially dirty. I don’t know what they love. The inscription on the top of the painting is very tasty, and the fork-footed dancer can’t even do it horizontally or vertically. This kind of inscription is not art but ugliness. I suggest that Chinese painting in the Academy of Fine Arts should have two basic courses: one is to teach students to write articles well, and the other is to let students write a few old poems in the law class.
September 5, 1999
Every year, our family will plant two pots of lotus, which is thinner than eating lotus. It is also long in color. It is yellow and brown. It is called lotus autumn. It is about half a foot thick to spread a layer of horse manure at the bottom of the pot. Put the lotus autumn plate in most pots of horse manure and pour it into the river mud for a few days. Pour two buckets of water to the crack of the river mud. After a few weeks, the flat pot will come up with a small lotus leaf mouth. In a few days, the lotus leaf has grown up and blossomed, and the lotus flower is tender and yellow. Many, many stamens are fragrant and fragrant.
Lotus flowers should be gently combined into a big bone flower at night, and it’s time for dinner the next morning when lotus flowers are put out again.
Rain, rain, pattering on the lotus leaves, rain stopped, rain on the lotus leaves shook like mercury, and a strong wind dumped rain on the lotus leaves.
What doesn’t touch the water on the lotus leaf surface?
Lotus leaf porridge and steamed pork with lotus leaf powder are all delicious.
The lotus leaf is withered.
The lotus leaf jar is full of snow.
Primula forget me.
Primula kunmingensis is full of round leaves, soft petioles, light purplish red clusters of small flowers on both sides of the stalks. No one will dig it up as a flower and plant it in a shallow pot. This is the translation of primrose in novels.
I happened to see more than ten pots of primrose seeds in a flower shop in Beijing, and the price in a blue-and-white pot was quite high, so I couldn’t help laughing. When I saw it, Kun people would say that it was also for sale.
Frgeen, forget-me-not-me-not-very-poetic name. Flowers are really not pretty. The grass is almost close to the ground, but there are quite a few raw strips. A clump of gray-green cloth looks like wrinkled leaves. Flowers are very small and attached to stems, but the color is blue and blue, just like the head in the three blue flowers in Chinese painting. Pure blue is still rare. Generally, blue flowers have a little purple.
What westerners call this kind of flower frgeen? Is it that missing is blue?
The Kun people don’t care what it is, forget me, or what frgeen calls it a shit flower.
This is what western poets know, which will spoil the fun.
ball of coloured silk strips
Hydrangea Zhou Tianmin’s theory of compiling and drawing flower paintings
Deciduous shrub of Hydrangeaceae is as high as one or two feet. Its trunk belt is wrinkled, its leaves are large and oval, its edges are serrated, and its spring flowers are clustered into a ball and its small flowers are five-deeply lobed, and its end is round and short-handled. Its color is lavender, red and white, and hundreds of plants are clustered into a jade screen.
I didn’t know exactly how many petals a hydrangea flower was. I think it’s a big ball. I occasionally draw hydrangeas, which petals belong to which flower, regardless of it.
Hydrangea is very easy to raise, it doesn’t need fertilization, it doesn’t need watering, it doesn’t need pruning, and there are few worms. Then it will be a ball, and it will be as white as snow, and it will be swaying in front of your eyes.
I’ve seen hydrangeas are all white before.
My little aunt, who is one year older than me, broke several big balls and put them in a white porcelain vase. She wrote small characters on the flower face.
She was engaged.
I heard that her married life was unfortunate, and my uncle actually hit her.
I heard the year before last that she was still extremely fat.
Hydrangea Yunnan is called pink ball flower. In folk songs, pink ball flower comes to the shape of a girl who looks good. Pink ball flower comes to the shape of a girl who seems to have never seen a folk song elsewhere.
The best hydrangea I have ever seen is in Taishan Mountain. It is a custom for people to raise hydrangeas in Taishan Mountain. There are a dozen pots of hydrangeas on the stone bench in a teahouse. The pot surface is thick. Is it appropriate to water the leftover tea? Taishan potted hydrangeas have smaller flower heads and thicker petals, so the hydrangeas can be carefully examined.
Light March day
Rhododendrons are on the hillside.
The azaleas are by the stream.
How beautiful
Country girl
Country girl
This is a song that War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression Kunxiaosheng loves to sing, Dong Lincoln’s lyrics and Xu Shoulian’s songs. This is a fast-paced lyric song, which is very pleasant to listen to. Not only do xiaosheng love to sing, but also big students love to sing, because you will remember it as soon as you listen.
Dong Lincoln and Xu Shoulian were born in Tongji University. They all graduated from Yucai, which is to cultivate students’ talents and to implement gifted education. Most of the students in the school are artistic accomplishments. Dong Lincoln and Xu Shoulian are both engineering students, but they are all very devout in art, so they can write lyrics and compose music.
How do I know them? Because Dong Lincoln hosted a Bantai Leyev performance and asked me to make up for the actors. I met them in Tongji University Dormitory. At that time, the common lovers of art in Kunming would get familiar with each other as soon as they were introduced.
What did Dong Lincoln want to perform? I think it was because he didn’t give the children a play in Kunming at that time. It was very hard for him to organize this performance, and acting was always a headache, but it was still firm. He didn’t want to love children as much as a Bantaleyev.