Lynn thinks it should work. If it doesn’t, don’t test it again.

After deciding, Lin will make a’ cage’
Lin first made a large number of micro-arms with pompoms, and decomposed the mechanical structure of the farm to make a large number of mechanical arms.
Then the mechanical arms are further decomposed, and the farm part is suitable for transporting cage materials to the platform surface.
And then combine these substances into …
An arm big enough and fast enough
The final shape of this unit looks like a missile.
It is more than 100 meters long. When it was made, it was also launched by Lin towards the target.
This "cage missile" is very fast, and it is rarely faster than the target.
However, Lin made one, and Lin planned to let two other dream groups find weapons and see what would happen.
Lin, grab one to study.
And now it is almost caught by Lin.
The speed of the cage missile has reached 30 thousand meters a second, which is a little faster than the other dream group’s 20 thousand meters a second
What, it’s this speed? Lynn is not sure either.
Maybe this dream group doesn’t move by itself, but along something that Lin hasn’t found yet.
Because this place is a very strange place.
According to Xiaozhou brain, even Yuanzhou brain failed to fully understand this place.
One of the most striking weirdness of the virtual gap is that although there are several virtual spaces here, you can’t touch one virtual space … because the virtual space will move.
It is said that some powerful perception modes, such as the brain perception mode, can perceive … these virtual positions.
But if something moves around, these virtual things will get farther away.
It feels like … being bounced.
And on what methods, such as sending classes, come into contact with these emptiness.
You can only reach it if you have something to maintain.
This is probably the strangest feature of this place.
Lin thought that the missile had chased the target by then.
This dream energy seems to have noticed this, and it has increased some speed.
But Lin’s speed ability … is stronger than it.
Lin accelerated Lin’s cage missile soon came into contact with this dream energy.
Touch Lin for an instant and you will know that … it has an effect.
Because it was completely integrated into the’ cage’ of the missile department at the moment of contact, it seems that this substance also has an effect on this wonderful energy.
After catching it, Lin immediately observed it from a dream perspective.
From the dream perspective, Lin’s cage is a room surrounded by white walls.
And this dream energy in this room looks like … a ball of liquid.
It looks like this in the dream.
When Lin wondered if she could communicate with it, it kept hitting the wall of the room.
It seems to want to leave here, but it obviously has no way to leave.
But it suddenly occurred to Lin that … there should be some ways to directly detect its thinking.
