The Tang Priest asked with a smile, "The world knows that the law of man and the law of the earth are the greatest and the law of nature is natural every day." If this theory is natural, you will know the extreme method! "
The old man said, "Tao is natural, Tao is nature, Tao is Tao, and Tao is still the greatest."
Tang Priest said, "Good Taoism is natural, and Laozi said that nature is the Tao, but heaven is the Tao and heaven is the Tao;" The earth is the law, and the sky is the earth; People’s law and land are also people. According to this, people, land, heaven, Tao and nature are all of the same kind. In this case, people must cultivate? "
The old man said, "What the holy monk said is true and unreasonable. Although the greatest reason lies in nature, can it be generalized?"
The Tang Priest asked again, "Ceng Yun in Daomen’s" The Ascension to the West "dared to ask the old man if he had this theory.
The old man said, you are a Buddhist brother. If you dare to argue with me about the Taoist scriptures? So he said, "This is natural."
The Tang Priest asked, "Dare you ask the Taoist priest?"
Bao Wang w w w b a s h u 2
The old man said, "In the final analysis, heaven and earth are born out of emptiness, and geography are all roads. I don’t know where you ask."
The Tang Priest asked again, "Do you know?"
The old man said, "I can point to the Tao, but if you don’t believe in nature, I know you don’t know here."
The Tang Priest said, "Since I have read the Book of Ascension to the West, I naturally won’t argue that that is where you say it is. I want to ask, is it nature that leads to Tao and hence to life?"
The old man Zheng said, "Nature is born before heaven and earth."
The Tang Priest asked, "Is it evil to be born from this?"
The old man said, "Nature is right!"
The Tang Priest asked, "Is there a right cause or is it evil?"
The old man quickly waved his hand and said, "How can this theory not make sense!"
The Tang Priest laughed. "I’m not entangled in this. I’ll ask Lao Zhang again what he said earlier,’ People should follow the law and practice nature every day’ and’ The Western Ascension Classic’ also says that’ virtual nature gives birth to a whole world’. Where does’ virtual’ come from? Where is’ one’? "
The old man couldn’t help but be speechless. The Book of the Ascension to the West is also a classic of the door. But how did this place differ slightly from the legal meaning of the old gentleman? It happened that this discrepancy was found by the Tang Priest but he couldn’t answer it.
The old man praised, "I don’t want the holy monk to be so familiar with the Taoist scriptures."
Seeing that the old man had lost, Tang Priest laughed and said, "It’s necessary to fight for the benefit of the old man."
The old man said, "What a pity!"
The Tang Priest wondered, "What a pity?"
The old man said, "If you are an ordinary person, it’s all right. I see that you are clever and abnormal. If you get the western classics, you will be in danger, so I have to arrest you!"
The Tang Priest was frightened. He just said, OK, OK. Why did he suddenly change his face? He was just about to call for help. The old man wrapped the Tang Priest in his robe sleeve and went outside.
Outside the gate, the three men also just visible said, "The holy monk doesn’t have to send it." They pretended that the house was occupied.
The three of them just left the hospital and listened to Wu Ping’s shout, "Stay with the holy monk and go!" It turns out that Wuping stayed outside for a long time and didn’t hear about the house. He didn’t care about Zen, and there were many riddles. But when the three old men went out, they didn’t see the Tang Priest coming out to see him off. This is strange. He followed the Tang Priest for a long time and knew that Tang Priest never owed courtesy. Needless to say, those who talked together would have to give a gift first if they met thieves, so they noticed the flaw.
Three old men ha ha a smile, a big sleeve fluttering in the direction of sweeping away the whole cottage, but it turned out to be a door illusion, false enlightenment and Wu Ping’s frightened heart. This illusion is too realistic to even deceive himself in the past, and that just now, tea and meals have turned into a Taoist child’s appearance, which will surround the false enlightenment.
False enlightenment was angry that he followed the Tang Priest for a few days, then he waved his iron bar twice and threw it at an old man. The sleeve of the old man’s robe shook and wrapped the iron bar. False enlightenment felt that the iron bar was unbalanced and quickly collected it and shouted, "Awesome!"
Wuping turned into a giant turtle and overwhelmed it. The old man smiled and flashed a handle to sweep Wuping to the ground. Wuping shouted, "Go and invite Nanhai Guanyin!"